Image for skate spot Carlsbad High School 12 Stair
Image for skate spot Carlsbad High School 12 Stair

Carlsbad High School 12 Stair

4 years ago
Bust Level:Go After Hours Only
Exact Location:View Pin
thumbnail for Carlsbad High School 12 Stair

Videos (8)

preview image for Taylor Kirby, Credits "Shep Dawgs 5"

Taylor Kirby, Credits "Shep Dawgs 5"

Shep Dawgs 6 years ago

Taylor Kirby's part, and the credits from Shep Dawgs 5. Filmed & edited by Jacob Nunez. Get a copy of the full length DVD here https://www.happyhourshades.com/products/shep-dawgs-vol-5

preview image for Skate Juice 2 - Juice Sides

Skate Juice 2 - Juice Sides

SKATE JUICE 7 years ago

The befores, afters, and unseen angles during the process of filming "Skate Juice 2", the sequel to our full length skate video series by Brent Hyden. Featuring John Manley, Ace Pelka, Crusty, Jakey Sparkle, Dyno, Brandon Nielson, Adrian Ortega, Gabe Gasanov, Isaac Santana, Hugo Lagunas, Riley Kozerski, Jordan Rommel, Caleb Smith, Jay Mal and More. Copies are available at skatejuice@bigcartel.com

preview image for PYRAMID COUNTRY'S (((((EXETER))))) FULL LENGTH


Pyramid Country 9 years ago

www.pyramidcountry.com DVD's and clothing available on our website. DVD comes with JJ Horner original comic book. Our first full length video: Edit Jackson Casey Film Jackson Casey & Bobby Green 3D Art JJ Horner Jonathan Pierce 00:50 Justin Modica 4:07 Pat Green 6:56 Chase McIntyre 8:20 Tyler Franz 9:30 Kevin Skutnik 11:20 Shaun Gregoire 14:33 Homies 16:32 Jahir Carbajal 20:44 Late Nite Link 22:50 Dave Engerer 24:21 Eric Dowswell 26:10 Dean Palmer 28:18 Ryan Sublette 29:26 Aric Blattner 30:21 Aaron Goure 32:34 Kevin Braun 34:57 Credits 38:22

preview image for Video Check Out: Daniel Cutcliffe | TransWorld SKATEboarding

Video Check Out: Daniel Cutcliffe | TransWorld SKATEboarding

Transworld Skateboarding 9 years ago

Age: 24 Home: Birmingham, Alabama Sponsors: Foundation, C1rca, Pig wheels, Brixton, Faith Skate Supply Last book read: Green Eggs and Ham. Video part that gets you hyped: Heath Kirchart, Sight Unseen and Ben Gilley, Reason to Believe. Am who should be pro: David Reyes. Pet peeve: My pet peeve is the word pet peeve. Does that mean the worst place your pet could possibly pee? New Year's Resolution: Play more guitar, make sure my socks are the same color every day, quit smoking. Best video of 2015: Vans Propeller. TV show you're hooked on: Game of Thrones. Recommended iPhone app: Craigslist. If skateboarding was a race, Daniel would have finished already and be on the sidelines cheering on his friends to the finish. He's been called Demon (short for Speed Demon) since he was 10 years old, always pushing harder than the older guys he grew up skating with. Street skating needs more speed and power and less ledge dancing. Daniel is bringing it!—Peter Karvonen Follow Daniel on IG: @danielcutcliffe Photo / @mikeygould Video / @money.mike Subscribe to TransWorld's YouTube: http://twskate.co/gz8nsr Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: http://skateboarding.transworld.net/ Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransWorldSkate Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: https://instagram.com/transworldskate/ Follow TransWorldSKATE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWorldSKATE

preview image for Jonathan Pierce's "Exeter" Part

Jonathan Pierce's "Exeter" Part

ThrasherMagazine 10 years ago

Jonathan kicks off "Exeter" with a bang. Handrail, ditch, stack of stairs - this dude attacks everything with hellbent tenacity. Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for AJ Zavala's "Shep Dawgs Vol. 4" Part

AJ Zavala's "Shep Dawgs Vol. 4" Part

ThrasherMagazine 11 years ago

Wow, here's the closing chapter to an epic homie adventure. It must have been hard to pick an ending part with a crew this gnarly, but AJ's all-hammer attack has some real shockers. Thanks Shep Dawgs!

preview image for Rowan Zorilla's "Shep Dawgs Vol.4" Part

Rowan Zorilla's "Shep Dawgs Vol.4" Part

ThrasherMagazine 11 years ago

These parts are really heating up now. You'll see: Rowan has a huge bag of tricks, can skate either stance equally, and does some sick, long lines here.

preview image for Nick and Brock's "Shep Dawgs Vol. 4" Parts

Nick and Brock's "Shep Dawgs Vol. 4" Parts

ThrasherMagazine 11 years ago

Slams, close calls, epic makes, and a lot of laughs with the homies. These parts capture the reality of what Shep Dawg skate missions are really like.

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