Image for skate spot Lexington Ave - 9 Flat Gap Over Gate

Lexington Ave - 9 Flat Gap Over Gate

6 months ago
Bust Level:Medium
Exact Location:View Pin
thumbnail for Lexington Ave - 9 Flat Gap Over Gate

Videos (1)

preview image for Louie Lopez - Converse Cons' "Purple" Video

Louie Lopez - Converse Cons' "Purple" Video

veganxbones 7 years ago

Louie Lopez - Converse Cons' "Purple" Video Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1bMwCCa Louie Lopez' part from the latest Converse Cons video "Purple". The Converse Cons full-length project Purple has found its way to the endangered-species list, but this video demonstrates why they are of the utmost importance. This is a masterpiece. Clear your schedule and dive in. Soundtrack: Tindersticks - The Organist Entertains and Pink Industry - Don't Let Go Converse Cons presents their first brand skate film titled “Purple”! Filmed and edited by Ben Chadourne “Purple” showcases the journey of their skate team over the past 18 months of their lives. Converse Cons Purple features the skateboarding of Louie Lopez, Jake Johnson, Jason Jessee, Sammy Baca, Mike Anderson, Sean Pablo, Al Davis, Brian Delatorre, Sage Elsesser, Bobby De Keyzer, Kenny Anderson, Kevin Rodrigues, Aaron Herrington, Zered Bassett, Eli Reed, Raney Beres, Ben Raemers, Milton Martinez and Tom Remillard. #converse #cons #conversecons #conversepurple #conspurple

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