Jesse Boudreau - FULL PART - Narrow Minded

Metro Skateboarding 12 years ago

Happy Halloween!!! Now that your bags are all full and hijinks have been had, sit back, unwrap one of those premium candy bars (not those hard candies the cheapos buy to try an get over during the holidays) and watch Metro's newest team rider Jesse Boudreau tear some shit back with Grace like Kelly. (if anybody got that reference, high five!) Theres a few bonus clips in Jesses Welcome To The Team vid, that didn't make it into this part, check those out here filmed by, Ryan Woodward and SUBSCRIBE!!! Watch every part from the new Narrow Minded Skate Video over on our friend Tanners channel the entire vid came out amazing and we were hyped to dedicate October to all the homies a town over. WELCOME TO THE TEAM JESSE. You've got a bright future ahead of you, keep killing it :D