Image for skate spot Kellogg St Curve ledge
Image for skate spot Kellogg St Curve ledge

Kellogg St Curve ledge

7 years ago
Bust Level:Go Nighttime Only
Exact Location:View Pin
thumbnail for Kellogg St Curve ledge

Videos (5)

preview image for POLAR SKATE CO. - Sounds Like You Guys Are Crushing It

POLAR SKATE CO. - Sounds Like You Guys Are Crushing It

Polar Skate Co 2 years ago

Featuring: Nick Boserio Oskar Rozenberg Aaron Herrington Shin Sanbongi Hjalte Halberg Paul Grund Roman Gonzalez Ville Wester Jamie Platt Dane Brady Emile Laurent David Stenström Nick Rios Guest Skaters: Kyle Wilson Steve Alba Julius Rohrberg Jonas Skrøder _____________________________________ A Film composed by Pontus Alv Filmed by Tor Ström Main Filmers: Ben Chadourne Michael McCloud James Cruickshank Sirus F Gahan Jon Colyer Additional Filmers: Nick Boserio Dane Brady Ryan Garshell Nick Rios Johnny Wilson Ryan Lee Orion Stefanidis Will Miles Mack Scharff Hadrien Buhannic Pontus Alv Geoff Campbell Love Ohlin Connor Peterson Paul Young Waylon Bone _____________________________________ Special Thanks to Memory Screen Motion Graphics by Fabian Fuchs Sound mixing by Jean-Louis Huhta _____________________________________ µ-Ziq “Mountain Island Boner” courtesy of Planet Mu Records Ltd Hunger Farm “Circles” Sub Society “The Isolator” Kevin Krauter “Restless”, courtesy of Low Profile LLC obo Bayonet Records, Published by Covertly Canadian Publishing Isao Tomita “Clair de Lune” courtesy of Nippon Columbia Co. Ltd All proceeds donated to Shine on Kids foundation - Supporting children with cancer and other serious Illnesses in Japan Homeland “After Hours” Professor Creepshow “KEY 1" Antwon (feat Lil Ugly Mane) “Rain Song” courtesy of Nature World Recordings by arrangement with Ingrooves Music Group Crossed Wire “Spent” Philip Glass "The Photographer: Act 1, A Gentlemen's Honor” courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment & Bankrobber music publishing Slow Motion Disco “Things Are Gonna Get Easier” courtesy of N.E.W.S NV Bl'ast “Bones” courtesy of SST Superstore records Chu Ishikawa “Megatron” Kool G. Rap & D.J. Polo “Live & Let Die” Naked Raygun “Treason” written by John Haggerty and Pierre Kezdy, courtesy of Secretly Canadian obo Quarterstick records _____________________________________ Music Licensing by Ashleigh Maclean Artists/Record Labels - Please feel free to contact us for compensation: info@polarskateco.com polarskateco.com

preview image for Dickies "Anniversary" Video

Dickies "Anniversary" Video

ThrasherMagazine 3 years ago

Timeless style and tasteful hammers, Dickies adds to its already stacked lineup with Manderson, Christian and Frankie. Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for Nikolai Piombo's "Shake Junt" Part

Nikolai Piombo's "Shake Junt" Part

ThrasherMagazine 5 years ago

Nikolai locks in for the long haul every time his trucks hit rail. Dude's got the magic touch. Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for (917) 692-2706 - The 917 Video 2

(917) 692-2706 - The 917 Video 2

veganxbones 6 years ago

(917) 692-2706 - The 917 Video 2 https://callme917.com/ subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1bMwCCa (917) 692-2706 - The 917 Video 2 filmed by Logan Lara and featuring the skateboarding of Aaron Loreth, Cyrus Bennett, David Clark, Genesis Evans, Hugo Boserup, John Francomacaro, Max Palmer, Nik Stain, Nolan Benfield, Pedro Attenborough, Vincent Touzery and friends. The 917 Video 2 Soundtrack Intro - ? Vincent Touzery #1 - Thoom - Salwa Vincent Touzery #2 - Mica Levi - Empty White House Vincent Touzery #3 - Lil Peptoman - Plasick Nik Stain - ? Nik Stain and Hugo Boserup - Nada Surf - Popular Hugo Boserup #1 - Mort Garson - Plantasia Hugo Boserup #2 - Further - Surfing Pointers Montage #1 - Tears For Fears - Pharaohs (Single Version) Aaron Loreth Intro - ? Aaron Loreth - Len - Candy Pop Montage #2 - Jesu & Sun Kil Moon - Carondelet David Clark and Pedro Attenborough - ? John Francomacaro - ? Max Palmer #1 - Blair - On And Off Max Palmer #2 - Freur - Doot Doot (12" Mix) Max Palmer #3 - ? Cyrus Bennett #1 - Blair - Day One Homies Cyrus Bennett #2 - Thin Lizzy - Still In Love With You



Dean Singleton 9 years ago

Arthur Cordova is the gnarliest 17 year old I know, and filmed this entire part in less than three months. Filmed, and edited and directed by myself. Enjoy! song: Chief Keef "Just Ride" 2016 Wild Ginger Composer: Zaytoven

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