Tree stumps, picnic tables, slalom cones, rails, rock gardens, sewer systems, and, of course, curbs, are exploited to their fullest in Almost Skateboard's newest film, 5-Incher. (Easy ... that's a reference to the height of a primo curb.) The ALMOST gang often slap the curbs together and it's always fun, so why not stretch that feeling through the whole video? So, we stuffed this pixilated piñata with all the creativity, absurdity, dark humor and raw fun of skateboarding. There's even some safety advice (if you posses the ability to teleport) and a short history lesson. Prepare to wear out the slow-mo button! Oh, wait ... we don't watch these on VCRs anymore. Starring Daewon Song, Chris Haslam, Cooper Wilt, Lewis Marnell, Youness Amrani, Christoph "Willow" Wildgrube and introducing Mitchie Brusco, Matt "Shmatty" Chaffin, Michael Sommer, CJ Tambornino and Issey Yumiba. Not starring Rodney Mullen. (He swore he'd be done with his rehab and stance erasing by the time we started filming. And we know he's been skating, because we see the surveillance tapes of him leaving the building all sweaty at 3AM, but he has his own Everest set of standards. Freak.) Subscribe to EchoBoom Sports! Check out the new Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: