► Subscribe to the Red Bull Skateboarding on YouTube: https://win.gs/RedBullSkateboarding Dalton and Kanaan Dern are skating Floridian siblings with very different styles and approaches. While Dalton is up for skating anything from the smallest transition to the longest, sketchiest rail, his brother Kanaan is much more focused with tricks and spots. As much as their personalities are different, it's clear they share a common bond of riding skateboards. Press play to checkout their first double part! Red Bull Skateboarding on Facebook: https://win.gs/RedBullSkateboardingFa... Red Bull Skateboarding on Instagram: https://win.gs/RedBullSkateboardingIn... Subscribe to the Red Bull Skateboarding on YouTube: https://win.gs/RedBullSkateboarding Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: http://onelink.to/yfbct7 Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV