Image for skate spot Marcus Garvey Flat Rails
Image for skate spot Marcus Garvey Flat Rails

Marcus Garvey Flat Rails

6 years ago
Bust Level:Go After Hours Only
Exact Location:View Pin
thumbnail for Marcus Garvey Flat Rails

Videos (20)

preview image for RESPECTFULLY


Chase Walker 3 years ago

RESPECTFULLY FULL VIDEO presented by Late Night Stars filmed and edited by Chase Walker ig: @chasewalk3r ~ Intro Montage ~ Zak Anders Trung Nguyen Chase Walker Jb Garcia Rowan Liebrum ~ ZAK ANDERS FULL PART ~ ~ Montage #1 ~ Nico Marti Alan Bell Zak Switzer Patrick Woodling Davis Emory Morgan Calcote Jordan Shikle Eddie Siegfried Kevin Kardas Taylor Jacko Oscar Romero ~ Montage #2 ~ Brian Gonterman Max Taylor Justin Reno Matt Munson Dustin Eggeling Jb Garcia Jace Maupin Greg Mo Zach Mcbride ~ TRUNG NGUYEN FULL PART BANGER ~ Ben Sendukas ~ Video by ~ Chase Walker ~ Additional Filming ~ Trung Nguyen Nico Marti Diego Donnival Rowan Liebrum ~ Graphics ~ Zak Anders Ben Sendukas MUSIC ~Intro Montage~~ Double Knee - A Better Time Than Never Zak Anders #1 Skourge - Condemned Zak Anders #2 Washed Out- Theory Remix Homies Montage #1 Fear - Luggage Homies Montage #2 Til Tuesday - Sunday Homies Montage #3 Double Knee - You've Given Too Much Trung Nguyen Deftones - Pink Maget Banger + Credits Natalie Imbruglia - TORN Special Thanks All Late Night Stars Affiliation Crazy Skateboards Roger Skate Co. Cellies NYC Easy Lover Bar BK All the homies :) NYC Skateboarding

preview image for Deathwish Skateboards' "UNCROSSED" Full Length Video

Deathwish Skateboards' "UNCROSSED" Full Length Video

ThrasherMagazine 4 years ago

Deathwish destabilizes any sense of sanity with hellacious hill bombs, kinked rail madness and moves so buck they defy definition. The bar has been raised. Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for Mark Suciu's "Verso" Part

Mark Suciu's "Verso" Part

ThrasherMagazine 5 years ago

Mark's Cross Continental part birthed a legend, but this one catapults him into the stratosphere. The fastest feet in the biz and an approach to skating without comparison, Suciu's Verso is an absolute gift. Enjoy the show... Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for CIAO, Full Length

CIAO, Full Length

Transworld Skateboarding 6 years ago

The diversity of styles, personalities, and cultures in NYC are what make skateboarding here exceptional. Ricardo Napoli’s video Ciao, filmed entirely in New York, is dedicated to the creative minds from the five boroughs and across the globe who make this city what it is. Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: http://twskate.co/gz8nsr Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: http://skateboarding.transworld.net/ Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransWorldSkate Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: https://instagram.com/transworldskate/

preview image for Ryo Motohashi, Ciao Part

Ryo Motohashi, Ciao Part

Transworld Skateboarding 6 years ago

The curtains from Ciao. Ryo is representin'. Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: http://twskate.co/gz8nsr Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: http://skateboarding.transworld.net/ Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransWorldSkate Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: https://instagram.com/transworldskate/

preview image for Justin Drysen's "Venture" Part

Justin Drysen's "Venture" Part

ThrasherMagazine 6 years ago

The feet move like lightning, the spot selection is prime and Justin Drysen shows us he's on a level all his own. Venture doing big things... Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for Austin Holcomb NYC Part from Challers

Austin Holcomb NYC Part from Challers

Transworld Skateboarding 6 years ago

Desert rat, from Lancaster, California goes to New York for a week. Here's what you get...Austin's first part from the CHALL video. Pick up the DVD: https://challers.bigcartel.com/product/chall-video Subscribe to TransWorld’s YouTube: http://twskate.co/gz8nsr Follow TWS for the latest: Daily videos, photos and more: http://skateboarding.transworld.net/ Like TransWorld SKATEboarding on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransWorldSkate Follow TransWorldSKATE on Instagram: https://instagram.com/transworldskate/

preview image for Yurmy the Movie 2018

Yurmy the Movie 2018

Yurmy New York 6 years ago

A 2018 Skateboard film. From Long Island New York to San Francisco California, Edited by Anthony Savillo Featuring Tyler Moran Mike Mo Marino Stephan Ali John Sacaridiz Chris Orena and Friends Anthony Savillo

preview image for Rough Cut: Brute SF in NYC

Rough Cut: Brute SF in NYC

ThrasherMagazine 7 years ago

The Bay brought the Brute bizness to NYC, terrorizing security guards and owning the streets. Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for Alex & Todd Midler  |  SKATE BROTHERS Part I

Alex & Todd Midler | SKATE BROTHERS Part I

Red Bull Skateboarding 9 years ago

► More skating? Watch "Pushing Forward" on Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/PushingForward Chalk it up to good genes, parenting tactics, or basic sibling rivalry, but there are a lot of ripping relatives in the skateboarding world. Enter "Brothers," a three-part series on brothers who all share a common bond around skateboarding. In each episode, we'll meet siblings whose combined passion has propelled them both to a life centered in skateboarding. First up, the young prodigy Alex Midler and his brother Todd Midler, who is an aspiring photographer and filmmaker currently studying in NYC. The two grew up skating together, which eventually lead to Todd starting to film Alex and putting out his parts. Those edits showed the skate world how talented Alex is, and were his first big steps toward where he finds himself today. TRACK LISTING: 0:00 -- 0:48 http://win.gs/1TOK8wT 0:59 -- 1:44 http://win.gs/20ktftz 1:44 -- 3:04 http://win.gs/20RL3OS 3:04 -- 5:18 http://win.gs/20G8Vby _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV See into our world: http://goo.gl/J49U Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Twitter: http://win.gs/redbulltwitter Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: http://win.gs/SubToRedBull Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: http://win.gs/TheRedBulletin Sign up for our Newsletter here: http://win.gs/RedBullNewsletter

preview image for 5Boro's "5BNY" Video

5Boro's "5BNY" Video

ThrasherMagazine 9 years ago

There’s nothing quite like footage from the concrete jungle of NYC. This video features great skating, an epic vibe, and three new members of the pro ranks. Congrats Jordan Trahan, Rob Gonyon, and Silvester Eduardo! Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag



veganxbones 9 years ago

Skateboarding video by Tom Gorelik SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/1bMwCCa Screengrab is the latest video from Tom Gorelik a.k.a. Russian Bob. Features a part from Troy Stilwell, Quartersnacks' favorite below-drinking-age caucasian skateboarder. Featuring parts from Ryan Santiago, Kasper Bejoian, Kozo Cavalcanti, David Nelson-Hospers, Chris Pierre-Jacques, Troy Stilwell, and Garret Daly. After being told that a local theater couldn't have any more skate video screenings because 'the staff couldn't handle them anymore,' Tom Gorelik premiered his newest video, Screengrab, by projecting it onto the wall of a handball court underneath the Manhattan Bridge. Now, this is downtown Manhattan in 2015, where the powers that be are very particular about what goes down in public places. When the parks department rolled up, I knew it was done. Nothing. Maybe Kozo Cavalcanti's massive snap deterred them. Ten minutes later a squad car slowed down curiously and I really knew it was done. Nothing. I guess they were impressed by Garret Daly's hurricanes. Or maybe they just didn't mind the conglomeration of fifty or so people—skaters, a surprising number of non-skateboarding girls, and a few old neighborhood locals, crowded around a generator with a speaker and a projector propped up on an overturned trash can. Fuck yeah, New York's still got it. As I felt the crisp October air and heard sounds of trains and traffic on the bridge, I felt the very real, vivid rush of nights passed with that same devil-may-care attitude out in the streets. I watched as a cast of mostly up-and-coming rippers did their thing in those very same streets, with a bit of out west—Massachusetts and California, it's all west from here—thrown in for good measure. I haven't seen so much Seaport ledges in one video, but given the variety of tricks on them, I didn't mind one bit. Two people did tricks that involve shimmying over an obstacle on a ledge they were on. And I dare you to try that no-comply shove it to cross-legged landing. At just twenty minutes in length, the video was able to be looped twice before the cops finally paid a real visit, busting one poor soul who was pissing in the corner because he had an unpaid ticket for being in a park after dark. Fuck, New York's still got it. Watch this then hit the streets for everyone in the Tombs who can't.

preview image for duzzed.


MIKESASSDV 10 years ago

duzzed. Chris Pierre-Jacques 0:20, Ian Preut 5:07, Dirty Duzzon 9:27, Paul Hintz 14:30, Marcus Eagel 17:02, Brandon Gironda 22:03. Video by Mike Sass - Filmed: May, 2014 - January, 2015

preview image for Julian Lewis "MERICA"

Julian Lewis "MERICA"

Nolan Zangas 11 years ago

Buy MERICA here:http://mericavideo.bigcartel.com/products Julian lewis's part from the full length video "MERICA" Filmed and edited by Nolan Zangas I do not own the rights to this song.

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ben k re edit

jesse alba 11 years ago

preview image for ZOO YORK: KING OF NEW YORK


zooyorkmedia 11 years ago

ZOO YORK proudly presents, KING OF NEW YORK. Shot exclusively in New York, this video pays homage to the amazing city that shaped ZOO YORK for the past 20 years. Starring: Chaz Ortiz, Dave Willis, Kevin Tierney, Travis Glover, Ron Deily and Brandon Westgate. Special Guest Appearance: Ricky Oyola Directed by: Ben Oleynik Filmed and Edited by: RB Umali Still Photography by: Sean Cronan http://www.zooyork.com/



BRONZE 56K 12 years ago

BUY SOLO JAZZ HERE: http://bronze.bigcartel.com/product/solo-jazz BUY NEW SHIRTS + HARDWARE HERE: http://www.bronze.bigcartel.com ***BANNED IN GERMANY*** SOLO JAZZ is [SOPHISTICATED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT] consisting of 20 minutes of [VERY RARE] footage of DICK RIZZO X JOSH WILSON X SHAWN POWERS X KEVIN TIERNEY X ROB GONYON X DERICK ZIEMKIEWICZ X JOSEPH DELGADO X AARON HERRINGTON X JASON CARROL X BILLY MCFEELY X ***AND MANY MORE*** http://www.hellatrill.tumblr.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bronze/158120027603329

preview image for Ben Kadow in MAMA'S BOYS

Ben Kadow in MAMA'S BOYS

ronnie dings 12 years ago

filmed and edited by Aaron Randi and Sean Dahlberg Mama's Boys DVDS are in the process of getting made so hold tight bitchin!

preview image for Joey Tookmanian

Joey Tookmanian

ATMversion7 13 years ago

5boro Join or Die

preview image for Aaron Brown and Ryan O'Connor

Aaron Brown and Ryan O'Connor

sugarcanekilla 16 years ago

from Chris Thiessen's "Meanwhile"

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