Image for skate spot Rasta Banks

Rasta Banks

7 years ago

aka Rasta Banks

Bust Level:Go Nighttime Only
Exact Location:View Pin
thumbnail for Rasta Banks

Videos (28)

preview image for The Grime and Grit

The Grime and Grit

Scott Wagoner 5 years ago

2009 Skate video from Atlanta

preview image for Candid Glitter

Candid Glitter

widdip 7 years ago

UN-MUTED VERSION - https://www.thrashermagazine.com/articles/videos/candid-glitter-video/ www.widdip.com Produced by Widdip Atlanta Originally posted on Thrasher Magazine. Filmed & edited by Grayson Miller "Candid Glitter" is our fourth full-length video production starring: Shane Farber, Garrett Haschke, Victor Gonzalez, Grayson Miller, Noah Chee-How, Nick Hagley, & more.

preview image for pacemaker


Transworld Skateboarding 7 years ago

Here is Pacemaker, the 5th video offering from threads. Pacemaker, was built on the concept of being more of an edit tape than skate video, a collection of the skating captured from going out with your friends over the course of a year. A nearly identical cast to the original threads video, pacemaker features: Nick Guertin, Cameron Dell, Jim Arnold, Randy Rhodes, Garrett Haschke, Shane Farber, James Coleman, Hartman Austin, Andrew Edge, and David Clark. We hope you enjoy watching, and in turn continue making videos with your friends, keeping the edit tapes alive. Hard copies available here: http://www.benderhardware.com/products/pacemaker

preview image for Halloween '17

Halloween '17

Scott Wagoner 7 years ago

preview image for Rough Cut: Erick Winkowski's "Am Scramble" Footage

Rough Cut: Erick Winkowski's "Am Scramble" Footage

ThrasherMagazine 7 years ago

Erick is a transition wizard who casts his strange spell on every spot he skates, including raw streets and gnarly rails. Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here: http://www.thrashermagazine.com http://www.facebook.com/thrashermagazine http://www.instagram.com/thrashermag http://www.twitter.com/thrashermag

preview image for Supervisual


Transworld Skateboarding 8 years ago

In accordance with the title, Supervisual aims to point out the visual nature of skateboarding, with a homage to the heavy influence of Supernaut's underrated legacy. Featuring David Clark, Dom Henry, James Coleman, Trevor Thompson, Alex Schmidt, Randy Rhodes, Brian Powderly, and the rest of the Threads usual cast. DVDs are available at theoriesofatlantis.com & tennskate.com. SV is by Matt Creasy, Alex Rose & Chris Thiessen (threads idea vacuum) @alexrosefilms @christhiessen @threads_idea_vacuum

preview image for Threads (2014)

Threads (2014)

Threads Video 8 years ago

*featuring Hartman Austin, James Coleman, Ross Norman, David Clark, Andrew Edge, Nick Guertin, Jim Arnold, Matt Creasy, Chris Head and Jeremiah Babb Threads 2014

preview image for Melodi Won

Melodi Won

Melodi EC 8 years ago

@ec.melodi Filmed/Edited by Eli Awbrey (@quitskating) Skaters Judah Bubes (@judah.boof) Dalton Newbury (@jewbury) Ethan Cobb (@shitmyjoggers) Jeremiah Awbrey (@skimp.5) Akobi Williams (@rust.oh) Ellias Kitt (@whatsgood.fam) Zach Kitt (@longboard.dad) Yosef Bubes (@blamos1) Oliver Cobb (@oliver_cobb)

preview image for Gentlemen's Club

Gentlemen's Club

widdip 8 years ago

Filmed by Grayson Miller and Kerrick Hall. Starring Noah Chee-How, Grayson Miller, Wes Lembo, Victor Gonzalez, and Shane Farber. www.widdip.com

preview image for Halloween 2008

Halloween 2008

Scott Wagoner 8 years ago

2008 AtlantaHatesUs

preview image for Who Actually Cares?

Who Actually Cares?

Leeeuhp 8 years ago

A rad sk8 vid featuring Dylan Schlandt, Andrew Meinders, Spencer Korchan, Daniel Mines, and Spencer Maxwell. Filmed by Spencer Korchan and Andrew Meinders.

preview image for Ghost town featuring Jim Arnold in HEADCLEANER

Ghost town featuring Jim Arnold in HEADCLEANER

Threads Video 9 years ago

video by the Threads Idea Vacuum (Matt Creasy, Chris Thiessen, Alex Rose, and Bryan Reynolds.) Filmed in Long Beach, California, Atlanta, Georgia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee

preview image for PRETTY #2


RNDB223 9 years ago

PRETTYSB COMIN STRAIGHT OUTTA ATLANTA. WE ARE ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN SKATING HARD AND ALL THAT GOOD GANG SHIT. Follow the gang on IG @pretty.sb @pretty.reef @pretty.pat_ @reeseswagod @pretty.fatblackchicks @pretty.richy @krookedeli @pretty.drujames @drizzyhanna TWITTER: @shareef_grady @REESElaflare Songs: Skirrt Skirrt - 21 Savage Violet - Hole Like a Chump - Reese Dabbin - Reese Kay Kay - UnoTheActivist SKRT - Kodak Black I Can't - Swaghollywood #PRETTYSB

preview image for Thank and Think

Thank and Think

Alex Rose 10 years ago

Nick Guertin and Jim Arnold in "Threads" chapter five video by Matt Creasy and Alex Rose www.tennskate.com http://kingpinmag.com/videos/threads-full-video-matt-creasy-interview.html#kj8omoSRKbiJVciY.97 http://tennskate.com/this-way/interviews/ http://tennskate.com/james-coleman-interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzWsQpFU-Mk

preview image for Headcleaner Full Video

Headcleaner Full Video

Transworld Skateboarding 10 years ago

Headcleaner is an independent recording by the Threads Idea Vacuum (Matt Creasy, Chris Thiessen, Alex Rose, and Bryan Reynolds.) Filmed in Long Beach, California, Atlanta, Georgia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee (with NYC and Florida in the mix as well) Headcleaner features James Coleman, Jason Spivey, David Clark, Brad Cromer, Jimmy Lannon, Taylor Nawrocki, Glen Fox, Jim Arnold, Tyson Peterson, Logan Lewis, Fletcher Renegar, Nick Guertin, Randy Rhodes, Danny Renaud and Wil Harcrow. DVDs available here: http://twskate.co/vFoQDl Follow TWS for the latest: Web: http://skateboarding.transworld.net/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransWorldSkate Instagram: https://instagram.com/transworldskate/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransWorldSKATE

preview image for Dan Plunkett - VHS Tape

Dan Plunkett - VHS Tape

CreatureFiendClub 10 years ago

Dan Plunkett video part from the VHS Tape video. Watch the entire VHS Tape video and hundreds more skate videos at skately.com/library.

preview image for Shane Farber in "Cinegasm"

Shane Farber in "Cinegasm"

shane farber 10 years ago

My part in cinegasm filmed and edited by Grayson Miller get the full video at www.widdip.com #widdip #widdipatlanta @widdipatlanta on Instagram

preview image for Cinegasm


widdip 10 years ago

Full Video. Filmed by Grayson Miller and Kerrick Hall. Edited by Grayson Miller. Featuring: Victor Gonzalez, Kerrick Hall, Grayson Miller, Noah Chee-How, Wesley Lembo, Nigel Hart, Matt Suwalski, Shane Farber, Jake Vezeau, and Danny Molnar. www.widdip.com

preview image for TENNSKATE.COM Dirty Brown Stank Attack (full video)

TENNSKATE.COM Dirty Brown Stank Attack (full video)

Alex Rose 12 years ago

filmed and edited by Mark Stewart in 2006 www.tennskate.com Chattanooga, TN. featuring: Cameron Dell, Chris Scoggins, Ryan Cooper, James Coleman, Scott Basford, Kaleb Mann, Miles Martin, RJ Hess, and more!

preview image for David Clark

David Clark

AdioGarbage 14 years ago


preview image for Brooks Smith

Brooks Smith

widdip 14 years ago

Better Days Part

preview image for Dj Snyder

Dj Snyder

widdip 14 years ago

Part from Better Days Paypal 10$ to jazzingeorgia@yahoo.com for a dvd.

preview image for VHS Tape - Dan Plunkett

VHS Tape - Dan Plunkett

MattSwinsky 14 years ago

Filmed and Edited by Matt Swinsky & Matt Creasy Dan Plunkett's part in the VHS Tape. Watch the whole video here: http://thevhstape.tumblr.com Watch it here if music gets taken down (http://vimeo.com/19553133)

preview image for Debacle - David Clark

Debacle - David Clark

SkateVid1000 15 years ago

Nike SB

preview image for Candler Woods

Candler Woods

sugarcanekilla 16 years ago

from Chris Thiessen's "Meanwhile"

preview image for Zoo York Atlanta Skate Trip

Zoo York Atlanta Skate Trip

puckstopper55 16 years ago

New footage from this great skate tour

preview image for Warren Devarennes - Scarlet Fever

Warren Devarennes - Scarlet Fever

rashwibilly 17 years ago

Warren Devarennes video part from the "Scarlet Fever" video, released by Chris Thiessen in late 2007.

preview image for rhett freeman. skateboarding from 2007.

rhett freeman. skateboarding from 2007.

chrisdaculaa 17 years ago

heres part 1 of 2 of rhett's stuff we filmed from 2007. most of this stuff is from his part in scarlet fever. filmed by chris thiessen. check out myspace.com/meanwhilevideo and myspace.com/scarletfevervideo

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